Ruben Padilla spoke regarding park space in Calexico.
Mary Davis, Chula Vista resident, spoke in opposition to the Welcoming City program.
Joseph Raso, Chula Vista resident, spoke in opposition to the tenant protection ordinance.
Lillie Hebert, Chula Vita resident, expressed concern regarding an incident at Chula Vista Elementary School District.
John Acosta, Chula Vista resident spoke regarding Councilmembers.
Delia Dominguez- Cervantes, Chula Vista resident, spoke regarding City matters.
Mariana Saponara, Chula Vista resident, spoke regarding D-Day and traffic on Nacion Avenue.
Christine Brady, Chula Vista resident, spoke regarding arts and culture.
Becky Rapp spoke regarding matters related to cannabis.
At the request of Mayor McCann there was a consensus of the City Council to direct the City Manager to add an item to a future City Council agenda to consider supporting AB 1207 - Cannabis Candy Child Safety Act.
Robert Johnson submitted written communications regarding the Brown Act and the Welcoming City program.
Michele Nojd submitted written communication regarding the process of obtaining public input.