Meeting #:
Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA




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Free Spanish interpretation is available on-site.




In-Person Public Comments: Submit a request to speak to City Clerk staff before the close of the public comment period on an item or before the close of the general Public Comment period for non-agenda items.


Electronic Public Comments: At, locate the meeting and click the comment bubble icon. Select the item and click "Leave Comment." You may also email eComments, emails, and other written comments must be received by noon for a regular City Council meeting.


Watch Live or Recorded (English and Spanish): Visit Click "ES" at the bottom to switch to Spanish. Closed captioning is available in both languages.


Accessibility: In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at or (619) 691-5041. Providing at least 48 hours' notice will help ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made.


Gov. Code § 84308: Parties to any proceeding involving a license, permit, or other entitlement for use pending before the City Council must disclose any campaign contribution over $250 (aggregated) within the preceding 12 months made by the party, their agent, and those required to be aggregated with their contributions under Gov. Code § 82015.5. The disclosure must include the amount contributed and the name(s) of the contributor(s). "G.C. § 84308: Yes" on this agenda indicates that the item is subject to these regulations.


                                                                 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION


Complete Agenda Packet: The complete agenda packet, including staff reports, draft resolutions and ordinances, and other backup materials, is available at or the City Clerk's Office.


Time Allotted for Speaking (subject to change by the presiding officer)
    - Consent Calendar (any or all items):             3 minutes
    - Agenda Items (not on Consent):                    3 minutes
    - General Public Comment (not on agenda):   3 minutes

Individuals who use a translator will be allotted twice the time.


General Public Comments: Twenty-one (21) minutes are scheduled near the beginning of the meeting. The first seven (7) speakers will be heard during the first Public Comment period. If there are additional speakers registered, they will be heard during the continued Public Comment period. If all registered speakers present at the time address the City Council during the first Public Comment period, there will be no continued Public Comment period.


Submitting Request to Speak: A request to speak must be submitted to the City Clerk before the close of the public comment period on an item or before the close of the general Public Comment period for non-agenda items. 



                                                         GETTING TO KNOW YOUR AGENDA


Consent Calendar items are routine items that are not expected to prompt discussion. All items are considered for approval at the same time with one vote. Before the vote, there is no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the City Council or staff removes the item from the Consent Calendar.

Public Comment provides an opportunity to address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council. Under the Brown Act, the City Council cannot take action on matters not listed on the agenda.

Public Hearings are held on matters specifically required by law.

Action Items are items expected to cause discussion and/or action by the City Council but do not legally require a public hearing.

Closed Session may only be attended by members of the City Council, support staff, legal counsel, and others as specified on the agenda. Closed session may be held only in very limited circumstances as authorized by law.


Resolutions are formal expressions of opinion or intention of the City Council and are usually effective immediately.

Ordinances are laws adopted by the City Council. Ordinances usually amend, repeal, or supplement the Municipal Code; provide zoning specifications; or appropriate money for specific purposes. Most ordinances require two hearings and go into effect 30 days after the final approval.

Proclamations are issued by the City to honor significant achievements by community members, highlight an event, promote awareness of community issues, and recognize City employees.





Consent calendar items are considered together and acted upon by one motion. There is no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the City Council or staff removes the item from the Consent Calendar.


    City Council approve the recommended action on the below consent calendar items. 


    Approve a motion to read only the title and waive the reading of the text of all resolutions and ordinances at this meeting.

Report Number: 24-0021

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: Housing and Homeless Services

G.C. § 84308: No

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Adopt ordinance A) amending various sections and adding sections to Chula Vista Municipal Code Title 19 related to density bonuses, inclusionary housing, multi-family and mixed-use objective design standards, residential for-sale affordable unit requirements, and marketing, application, lottery, and waitlist requirements for affordable rental housing projects (Second Reading and Adoption); and ordinance B) amending Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapter 17.10 to exempt 100% affordable projects from such fees. (Second Reading and Adoption)

Report Number: 24-0087

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: Finance

G.C. § 84308: No

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a "Project" as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines. Therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Adopt an ordinance amending Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 2.05.010 to delete certain unclassified position titles that are specifically delineated in the City Charter and to delete certain position titles that are no longer active. (Second Reading and Adoption) (4/5 Vote Required)

Report Number: 24-0175

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: Finance

G.C. § 84308: Yes

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines. Therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Adopt a resolution waiving the competitive bidding requirements and approving an agreement with Springbrook Holding Company, LLC to provide an upgrade to cloud service of the sewer billing system.

Report Number: 24-0137

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: Library

G.C. § 84308: No

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines. Therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Adopt a resolution accepting the Performing and Visual Arts Grant Review Panel’s award recommendations for Fiscal Year 2023-24 with a total monetary grant award totaling $78,300.

Report Number: 24-0176

Location: Otay Ranch Town Center 2015 Birch Rd. Suite 407

Department: Library

G.C. § 84308: Yes

Environmental Notice: The Project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines Section 15301 Class 1 (Existing Facilities).


    Adopt a resolution approving a lease agreement with GGP-Otay Ranch, L.P. for the Otay Ranch Branch Library Hub.

Report Number: 24-0141

Location: Located generally adjacent to State Route 125, south of Main Street, and north of the Otay River, as shown more particularly on the annexation map

Department: Development Services

G.C. § 84308: Yes

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) State Guidelines. Therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Adopt resolutions A) Setting forth the boundaries of the proposed Annexation No. 13 into Community Facility District (“CFD”) No. 97-2, Improvement Area “C” and B) Declaring the intention of the City Council to authorize the proposed Annexation No. 13 into Improvement Area “C” of CFD No. 97-2, levy a Special Tax, and set a time and place for the public hearing.

Report Number: 24-0162

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: Human Resources

G.C. § 84308: No

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines. Therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Adopt a resolution ratifying the City Manager’s appointment of Matthew Little as Deputy City Manager/Director of Public Works.

Twenty-one minutes are scheduled for the public to address the City Council for three minutes each on any matter within the jurisdiction of the City Council that is not on the agenda. The remaining speakers, if any, will be heard during the continued Public Comment period.



Report Number: 24-0153

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: Finance

G.C. § 84308: No

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) State Guidelines. Therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Conduct the public hearing and adopt a resolution assessing certain delinquent sewer service charges as recorded liens upon the respective parcels of land and placement of delinquent charges on the next regular tax bill for collection by the County Treasurer-Tax Collector.

Report Number: 24-0154

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: Finance

G.C. § 84308: No

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) State Guidelines. Therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Conduct the public hearing and adopt a resolution assessing certain delinquent solid waste charges as recorded liens upon the respective parcels of land and placement of delinquent charges on the next regular tax bill for collection by the County Treasurer-Tax Collector.

Report Number: 24-0170

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: Housing and Homeless Services

G.C. § 84308: No

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required. Under NEPA, the activity is exempt pursuant to Title 24, Part 58.34(a)(2)&(3) of the Code of Federal Regulations and pursuant to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Environmental Guidelines. The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required. Under NEPA, the activity is exempt pursuant to Title 24, Part 58.34(a)(2)&(3) of the Code of Federal Regulations and pursuant to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development Environmental Guidelines.


    Conduct the public hearing to provide the public an opportunity to review the application.



Report Number: 24-0089

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: Finance

G.C. § 84308: No

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines. Therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Adopt a resolution repealing various City Council Policies related to reserves, amending City Council Policy 220-03 to serve as a consolidated citywide reserve policy, and renaming City Council Policy 220-03 to Citywide Reserve Policy – Fiscal Health Plan.

Report Number: 24-0183

Location: No specific geographic location

Department: City Manager

G.C. § 84308: Yes

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines. Therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the activity qualifies for an Exemption pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines.


    Adopt a resolution approving an agreement with The Centre for Organization Effectiveness to complete a new citywide five-year strategic plan.



There will be no continued Public Comment period if all speakers present at the first Public Comment period are heard.



G.C. § 84308: No

Environmental Notice: The activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required.


    Council hear the update and provide direction.











to the regular City Council meeting on June 11, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.


Materials provided to the City Council related to an open session item on this agenda are available for public review, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at
or (619) 691-5041.


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