Meeting #:
City Hall, Bldg. C, Conference Room B-111
276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista


Privacy Protection and Technology Advisory Commission Meeting



Public Comments: Public comments may be submitted to the Privacy Protection & Technology Advisory Commission in the following ways:


  • In-person comments during the meeting. Each person will be allotted three (3) minutes to address the Commission.
  • Submit an eComment. Visit, locate this meeting, and click the comment bubble icon. Click on the item you wish to comment on, then click "Leave Comment." 
  • Submit comments via email to


The commenting period will close at noon the day of the meeting. All comments will be made available to the Commission and the public. 


Accessibility: In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, contact us at or (619) 691-5041. Providing at least 48 hours notice will help ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made.





Commissioners Batson, Chambers, Godinez, Lake, Ruiz, Williams, and Wood.

The public may address the Commission on any subject matter within the Commission’s jurisdiction that is not listed as an item on the agenda. State law generally prohibits the Commission from discussing or taking action on any issue not included on the agenda. The Commission may schedule the topic for future discussion or refer the matter to staff.



Action on presentation items is typically limited to the Commission receiving the presentation and providing direction or feedback to staff unless otherwise noticed on the agenda.



Action items are considered individually by the Commission and are expected to elicit discussion and deliberation.







to the regular meeting on May 6, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.


Materials provided to the Privacy Protection and Technology Advisory Commission related to any open-session item on this agenda are available for public review by contacting Commission staff at