Meeting #:
Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA

Planning Commission Regular Meeting


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Free Spanish interpretation is available on-site.



In-Person Public Comments: Join us for the Planning Commission meeting at the time and location specified on this agenda to make your comments. 


Electronic Public Comments: At, locate this meeting and click on the comment bubble icon. Select the item and click on "Leave comment." Electronic Public Comments: At, locate this meeting and click the comment bubble icon. Select the item and click on "Leave comment." The deadline to submit e-comments or any comments emailed to will be noon on the day of the meeting.


Watch Live or Recorded Meetings: Visit Effective 12/2023, you may click "ES" at the bottom of the video screen to switch to Spanish. Closed captioning is available in both languages. 


ACCESSIBILITY: In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Development Services Department at Providing at least 48 hours' notice will help ensure that reasonable arrangements can be made. 


SPEAKER TIME LIMITS: The time allotted for speakers may be adjusted by the Chair.

- Three minutes* for specific items listed on the agenda

- Three minutes* for items NOT on the agenda (called to speak during Public Comments)

- A group of individuals may select a spokesperson to speak on their behalf on an agenda item, waiving their option to speak individually on the same item. Generally, three minutes are allotted per person, up to a limit of 15 minutes, although the limits may be adjusted. Members of the group must be present.

*Individuals who use a translator will be allotted twice the amount of time.





Commissioners Burroughs, Combs, Felber, Leal, Torres, Zaker, and Chair De La Rosa.



Persons may address the Commission on any subject matter within the Commission’s jurisdiction that is not listed as an item on the agenda. State law generally prohibits the Commission from discussing or taking action on any issue not included on the agenda, but, if appropriate, the Commission may schedule the topic for future discussion or refer the matter to staff. If you wish to speak on any item, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form and submit it to the Secretary prior to the meeting  or submit an electronic comment per the instructions on page one of this agenda.



The following item(s) have been advertised as public hearing(s) as required by law. If you wish to speak on one of these items, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form and submit it to the Secretary prior to the meeting  or submit an electronic comment per the instructions on page one of this agenda.


This item has attachments.  

Environmental Notice: The Project is adequately covered in the previously adopted Final Environmental Impact Report and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Otay Ranch University Villages (FEIR 13-01; SCH #2013071077; adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2014-232 on December 2, 2014, with a First Addendum adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2016-254 on December 6, 2016, a Second Addendum adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2021-120 on June 15, 2021, all hyperlinked below), that only minor technical changes or additions to FEIR 13-01 are necessary, and that none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines calling for the preparation of a subsequent document exist; therefore, the Director of Development Services has called for the preparation of a Third Addendum to FEIR 13-01 for consideration.

  • Recommended Action:

    That the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and adopt the proposed resolution recommending that the City Council:

    A. Adopt a resolution approving:

    1. Third Addendum to FEIR 13-01 (IS22-0003) and amendments to the Chula Vista General Plan (GPA22-0002), the Otay Ranch General Development Plan (GDP22-0002), and the Otay Ranch Village Eight East Sectional Planning Area Plan (SPA22-0006) (including the related new Planned Community District Regulations) to reflect the proposed changes to zoning within Otay Ranch Village Eight East (ZC22-0003) and to other regulatory documents in accordance with the required findings and subject to the conditions contained therein; and
    2. A Tentative Subdivision Map incorporating the proposed changes to the Otay Ranch Village Eight East Sectional Planning Area (TM22-0005) in accordance with the required findings and subject to the conditions contained therein; and
    3. A Community Purpose Facilities Agreement; and

    B. Place an ordinance on first reading to approve modifications to the Otay Ranch Village Eight East Planned Community District Regulations in accordance with the required findings and subject to the conditions contained therein; and

    C. Place an ordinance on first reading to approve a change in zoning from single family residential to multi-family residential.



The Item(s) listed in this section of the agenda will be considered individually by the Commission and are expected to elicit discussion and deliberation. If you wish to speak on any item, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form and submit it to the Secretary prior to the meeting or submit an electronic comment per the instructions on page one of this agenda.

Communication from Commissioner Burroughs requesting an excused absence from the March 27, 2024 Planning Commission meeting. 

  • Recommended Action:

    Commission approve absence. 









to the regular meeting on April 24, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.


Materials provided to the Planning Commission related to any open-session item on this agenda are available for public review by contacting the Development Services Department at

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