City of Chula Vista

Regular Planning Commission Meeting


Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA
Commissioners Present:
  • Commissioner Burroughs, 
  • Commissioner Combs, 
  • Commissioner Sanfilippo, 
  • Vice Chair Torres, 
  • and Chair De La Rosa 
  • Commissioner Felber 
  • and Commissioner Leal 
Also Present:
  • Development Services Director Black, 
  • Legal Counsel Foley representing McDougal Boehmer Foley Lyon Mitchell & Erikcson, 
  • Legal Counsel Sullivan representing Gatzke Dillon & Ballance LLP, 
  • and Deputy City Clerk Zepeda 

Minutes are prepared and ordered to correspond to the agenda.



The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.



Deputy City Clerk Zepeda called the roll.

Led by Commissioner Sanfilippo.



There were none. 



Notice of the hearing was given in accordance with legal requirements, and the hearing was held on the date and no earlier than the time specified in the notice.

Principal Civil Engineer Campos gave a presentation on the item.

Chair De La Rosa opened the public hearing.

There being no members of the public who wished to speak, Chair De La Rosa closed the public hearing.  

  • Moved byCommissioner Burroughs
    Seconded byCommissioner Combs

    To adopt Resolution No. 2024-13 approving the requested Tentative Map time extension for the Otay Ranch Village Four Project from November 25, 2024, to November 25, 2026. The motion carried by the following vote: 

    Yes (5)Commissioner Burroughs, Commissioner Combs, Commissioner Sanfilippo, Vice Chair Torres, and Chair De La Rosa
    Result, Carried (5 to 0)

Notice of the hearing was given in accordance with legal requirements, and the hearing was held on the date and no earlier than the time specified in the notice.

Associate Planner Young gave a presentation on the item.
Associate Planner Phelps, Applicant Armida Torres and Civil Engineer Tony Christensen with the Phair Company assisted in answering questions on the item.

Chair De La Rosa opened the public hearing.

The following members of the public spoke in opposition to the item:

  • John Acosta
  • Anateresa Wood

The following members of the public spoke in support of the item:

  • Diane Maddox

The following members of the public spoke expressing a neutral position on the item:  

  • Lucia Martinez
  • Carol Brown

There being no further members of the public who wished to speak, Chair De La Rosa closed the public hearing.  

  • Moved byVice Chair Torres
    Seconded byCommissioner Burroughs

    To adopt Resolution No. 2024-14 approving Tentative Map TM21-0002, a 20-lot residential subdivision totaling 5.31 acres. The motion was carried by the following vote: 

    Yes (5)Commissioner Burroughs, Commissioner Combs, Commissioner Sanfilippo, Vice Chair Torres, and Chair De La Rosa
    Result, Carried (5 to 0)


This item has attachments.  

Notice of the hearing was given in accordance with legal requirements, and the hearing was held on the date and no earlier than the time specified in the notice.

Principal Planner Corley gave a presentation on the item.
Allen Kashani with Tri-Pointe Homes gave a presentation and assisted in answering questions on the item. 

Chair De La Rosa opened the public hearing.

There being no members of the public who wished to speak, Chair De La Rosa closed the public hearing.  

  • Moved byCommissioner Combs
    Seconded byCommissioner Burroughs

    To adopt Resolution No. 2024-15 recommending that the City Council:

    A)    Certify EIR22-0001 for the Nakano Project

    B)    Approve the Nakano Project under Annexation Scenario 2a of the Environmental Impact Report (“EIR”), including:

    1. Approval of a General Plan Amendment changing the land use designation of the subject property from Open Space (OS) to Medium Residential (RM)
    2. Approval of the Nakano Specific Plan
    3. Approval of a Tentative Map for the Nakano Project (PCS21-0001)
    4. Approval of a Property Tax Exchange Agreement between the City of Chula Vista (“City”) and the City of San Diego (“San Diego”)
    5. Approval of an Annexation Agreement among the City, San Diego, and Tri Pointe Homes (“Applicant”)
    6. Adoption of a resolution in support of the reorganization of the Project Site from the jurisdiction of the City into the jurisdiction of San Diego

    C)   Place an ordinance on first reading approving a change in the zoning of the subject property from Agricultural (A8) to Residential Medium (R-3)

    The motion was carried by the following vote: 

    Yes (4)Commissioner Burroughs, Chair De La Rosa, Commissioner Combs, and Commissioner Sanfilippo
    No (1)Vice Chair Torres
    Result, Carried (4 to 1)


  • Moved byCommissioner Sanfilippo
    Seconded byCommissioner Combs

    To approve minutes dated: September 25, 2024. The motion was carried by the following vote: 

    Yes (5)Commissioner Burroughs, Chair De La Rosa, Vice Chair Torres, Commissioner Combs, and Commissioner Sanfilippo
    Result, Carried (5 to 0)



There were none. 



There were none. 



There were none. 



The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m.

Minutes prepared by: Mariluz Zepeda, Deputy City Clerk

No Item Selected