Adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council:
A) Certify EIR22-0001 for the Nakano Project
B) Approve the Nakano Project under Annexation Scenario 2a of the Environmental Impact Report (“EIR”), including:
- Approval of a General Plan Amendment changing the land use designation of the subject property from Open Space (OS) to Medium Residential (RM)
- Approval of the Nakano Specific Plan
- Approval of a Tentative Map for the Nakano Project (PCS21-0001)
- Approval of a Property Tax Exchange Agreement between the City of Chula Vista (“City”) and the City of San Diego (“San Diego”)
- Approval of an Annexation Agreement among the City, San Diego, and Tri Pointe Homes (“Applicant”)
- Adoption of a resolution in support of the reorganization of the Project Site from the jurisdiction of the City into the jurisdiction of San Diego
C) Place an ordinance on first reading approving a change in the zoning of the subject property from Agricultural (A8) to Residential Medium (R-3)