City of Chula Vista

Regular Planning Commission Meeting


Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA
Commissioners Present:
  • Commissioner Combs, 
  • Chair De La Rosa, 
  • Commissioner Felber, 
  • Commissioner Leal, 
  • Vice Chair Torres, 
  • and Commissioner Zaker 
  • Commissioner Burroughs 
Also Present:
  • Development Services Director Cass, 
  • Senior Planner Ortuño, 
  • Planning Manager Philips, 
  • and Secretary Zepeda 



A regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista was called to order at 6:02 p.m. in the Council Chambers, located in City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California.



Secretary Zepeda called the roll.

Commissioner Felber led the Pledge of Allegiance.



There were none. 




This item has attachments.  

Notice of the hearing was given in accordance with legal requirements, and the hearing was held on the date and no earlier than the time specified in the notice.

Senior Planner Ortuño gave a presentation on the item.

Applicant Nicholle Wright with HomeFed, LLC spoke on the item and was available to answer questions. The applicant's consultant, Ranie Hunter with RH Consulting Group, spoke on the item and was available to answer questions. 

Chair De La Rosa opened the public hearing. There being no members of the public who wished to speak, Chair De La Rosa closed the public hearing.

  • Moved byVice Chair Torres
    Seconded byCommissioner Felber

    That the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing and adopt the proposed resolution recommending that the City Council:

    A. Adopt a resolution approving:

    1. Third Addendum to FEIR 13-01 (IS22-0003) and amendments to the Chula Vista General Plan (GPA22-0002), the Otay Ranch General Development Plan (GDP22-0002), and the Otay Ranch Village Eight East Sectional Planning Area Plan (SPA22-0006) (including the related new Planned Community District Regulations) to reflect the proposed changes to zoning within Otay Ranch Village Eight East (ZC22-0003) and to other regulatory documents in accordance with the required findings and subject to the conditions contained therein; and
    2. A Tentative Subdivision Map incorporating the proposed changes to the Otay Ranch Village Eight East Sectional Planning Area (TM22-0005) in accordance with the required findings and subject to the conditions contained therein; and
    3. A Community Purpose Facilities Agreement; and

    B. Place an ordinance on first reading to approve modifications to the Otay Ranch Village Eight East Planned Community District Regulations in accordance with the required findings and subject to the conditions contained therein; and

    C. Place an ordinance on first reading to approve a change in zoning from single family residential to multi-family residential.

    Yes (6)Chair De La Rosa, Vice Chair Torres, Zaker, Commissioner Combs, Commissioner Felber, and Commissioner Leal
    Result: Carried (6 to 0)


  • Moved byCommissioner Leal
    Seconded byCommissioner Combs

    Commission approve absence. 

    Yes (6)Chair De La Rosa, Vice Chair Torres, Zaker, Commissioner Combs, Commissioner Felber, and Commissioner Leal
    Result: Carried (6 to 0)



Development Services Assistant Director Cass discussed future items going before the Planning Commission. 



Chair De La Rosa discussed affordable housing and what discretionary action is allowed by the City regarding to policies and regulations.  



Commissioner Felber mentioned a future absence from Planning Commission meeting. 

Commissioner Torres discussed Assembly Bill AB1893 and the City's susceptibility to the bill. 



The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 p.m.

Minutes prepared by: Mariluz Zepeda, Planning Commission Secretary

No Item Selected